goods tablet
Dream of a plaque
goods Chess pieces
Dream of chess pieces
goods writ
Dream of writing
goods Gas stove
Dreaming of a gas stove
goods Gift pen
Dream of giving pens
goods bookcase
Dream of bookcase
goods Inkwell
Dream of ink bottle
goods Letter case
Dream of letter folder
goods Blotting paper
Dreaming of blotting paper
goods almanac
Dreaming of almanacs
goods album
Dreaming of a photo album
goods alarm
Dream of the alarm
goods yardstick
Dreaming yardstick
goods Valentine card
Dreaming of Valentine's Day cards
goods Telephone number
Dreaming of phone numbers
goods Color pen
Dream of colored pens
goods Text
Dream of words
goods Driving license
Dream of driving license
goods certificate
Dream of documents
goods Email Email
Dreaming of Email email